Contact Us

General Inquiries

BlackInNeuro [at] gmail [dot] com


secretary [at] BlackInNeuro [dot] com

Events & Programming

programming [at] BlackInNeuro [dot] com

Sponsorship & Donations

sponsorship [at] BlackInNeuro [dot] com


development [at] BlackInNeuro [dot] com



How can I get involved if I’m Black In Neuro?

  • Follow us on social media and use the #BlackInNeuro hashtag to connect with the community. Remember to caption and add alt text to any images or videos shared on social media to ensure that Black In Neuro is as accessible as possible to all members of our community.

  • Fill out our membership application to access members-only social events and platforms, and have your information included on our website so folks can learn about you. We hope that the profiles in our directory will be a great tool for connecting folks to the Black In Neuro community, whether someone is seeking a speaker to invite, or someone to ask for career advice!

  • If you have some additional insight you would like to share with the community, please consider writing a blog post! We’ll happily anonymize your submission if requested.

  • We are currently not recruiting members for our board of directors, organizing team, or advisory board, but keep an eye out on our socials for future openings!

  • If you are interested in partnering with us or supporting our ongoing initiatives, please reach out at development [at] BlackInNeuro [dot] com.

How can I get involved, as a non-Black ally?

  • Follow our social media accounts and amplify messages that you want to spread! Build connections by following people to continue learning from their perspective. Remember to caption and add alt text to any images or videos shared on social media to ensure that Black In Neuro is as accessible as possible to all members of our community.

  • Browse our member directory for people in your field and keep them in mind for collaboration and speaking opportunities! Remember, always make sure to pay Black In Neuro speakers and invite them to speak about their research, not just their personal experiences or advocacy.

  • Check out our publications, and consider discussing them with your peers.

  • If you are interested in partnering with us or supporting our ongoing initiatives, please reach out at development [at] BlackInNeuro [dot] com.

Can I use the Black In Neuro’s logo, graphics, and/or promotional materials?

If you'd like to use Black In Neuro graphics, logos, or promotional materials, we ask that you seek written permission by contacting us at BlackInNeuro [at] gmail [dot] com. Our team has put a lot of work into building our brand, so we may turn down requests that imply a Black In Neuro partnership or endorsement.

Can Black In Neuro share my job or scholarship opportunity?

Black In Neuro does not currently have a job board. To share an opportunity in our newsletter, please email it to us at BlackInNeuro [at] gmail [dot] com. Please note that our newsletter goes out once a month, and that we cannot guarantee that your posting will be included in our newsletter. Alternatively, tag us on social media and we will consider amplifying your posting on our channels.

Remember to caption and add alt text to any images or videos shared on social media to ensure that Black In Neuro is as accessible as possible to all members of our community. For job postings, consider including a salary range in your posting to encourage open discussions about compensation and more equitable pay.

Can I partner with Black In Neuro?

Requests for partnerships, interviews, and speaking opportunities can be emailed to us at development [at] BlackInNeuro [dot] com.